Welcome to TEACHING INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Here you will find unique resources for both novice and experienced band directors, gathering effective teaching tools from the best in the field. Topics include: curriculum, the anatomy of music making, rehearsal strategies, score study, program organization, administrative leadership, and much more!

Books, DVDs, CDs/Podcasts

Available from Meredith Music, GIA Music, and Apple Music/iTunes


Fingering & Tuning Charts

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​Books, DVDs, CDs

Expressive Musicianship
​Concepts and Exercises to Develop a Band's Musical Potential

This method presents interpretative suggestions to enhance ensemble musicianship for band directors and students in the following nine areas:

      1. Rhythm
      2. Melody and Phrasing
      3. Dynamics and Balance
      4. Embellishments
      5. Articulations and Accents
      6. Style
      7. Tempo
      8. Releases
      9. Intonation

Each area presents a variety of concepts for musical expressiveness, and there are more than 225 exercises and excerpts to use during warm-ups or when transferring an expressive concept to the band’s current literature.

This method includes:

  • Intonation exercises that illustrate how to properly tune a chord
  • Scale-based exercises written in the common keys of F, B-flat, and E-flat that can be used as part of a rehearsal warm-up to reinforce expressive concepts
  • Band excerpts to illustrate how expressive concepts can be transferred to actual wind band literature
  • key sheet to explore how players’ parts may be edited to increase the quality of musicianship
  • More than 40 ideas for increasing the ensemble’s musical potential
  • sample lesson plan and template to illustrate how to transfer knowledge to your current curriculum
  • Additional TIPS in the conductor’s score for teaching each concept

This method has a conductor's edition and 6 student books:

  1. C instruments: Flute, Oboe, Keyboard Percussion
    (no lower than F4 for Flute, and no higher than C6 for Oboe)
  2. B-flat instruments: Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone, Trumpet, Baritone T.C.
    (no lower than D4 for Tenor Saxophone, and no higher than E5 for Trumpet)
  3. E-flat instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone
    (no lower than D4 and no higher than C6 for Alto and Baritone Saxophones)
  4. F instruments: Horn
    (no lower than B-flat3 and no higher than E5 for Horn)
  5. Bass Clef instruments: Trombone, Baritone B.C., Bassoon
    (no higher than D4 and no lower than B-flat2)
  6. Bass Clef instruments: Tuba
    (no higher than D3 and no lower than B-flat1)

Teaching Instrumental Music

Developing the Complete Band Program 

A unique resource for both novice and experienced band directors gathering effective teaching tools from the best in the field including more than 40 chapters dealing with every aspect of teaching instrumental music from curriculum to valuable websites. This best-selling and highly praised text has become the method of choice for university methods courses throughout the United States and Canada.

What's New in the Revised Edition?

  • Curriculum—updated to 2014 National Music Education Standards; including relevant learning theories, modalities, and music instruction theories.
  • Resources—for concert band, marching band, pep band, jazz ensemble, and chamber groups
  • School Law—learn more about the teacher’s Code of Ethics, music copyright law, and examine common ethical teaching scenarios.
  • Anatomy of Music-Making—presents effective methods for teaching tone quality, balance, blend, intonation, pulse, rhythm, technique, style, articulation, phrasing, interpretation, and expression.
  • STEPS© Method—for creating rehearsal plans and providing a theoretical approach to understanding the ensemble to improve score study and objective assessment.
  • Motivation—surveys current intrinsic and extrinsic methods, and explores the development of leadership and character in the instrumental program, including Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
  • Job Readiness—new teacher assessment and certification requirements, as well as valuable information guiding the new teacher throughout the music practicum and the job interview.
  • Intonation—expanded tools for training the ear in both the individual student and full ensemble.
  • Program Administration— the “nuts and bolts” of managing the instrumental program have been updated with topics on assessment, evaluation, rehearsal planning, score study, repertoire selection, programming, rehearsal facilities, auditions, seating, recruiting and retention, budget planning, music library management, basic instrument repair, booster groups, advocacy, time management, practicing tips, and classroom management and discipline.
  • Mind Your P’s and Q’s—considers the implications and relationships of Professional Growth, Personal Growth, Intelligence Quotient, and Emotional Quotient.
  • Supplementary Website—numerous charts, figures, templates, a balanced instrumentation calculator, teaching tools, recruiting materials, assessment rubrics, various learning activities.

DVD: Teaching Instrumental Music

Visit a virtual rehearsal where each video clip illustrates a different concept, including: warm-up, style, intonation, balance and blend, rhythm, and musicianship. Featured music educators include the late Frederick Fennell, Colonel Timothy Foley, Jerry Junkin, H. Robert Reynolds, Mallory Thompson, William Wakefield, and Garwood Whaley. (49 minutes)

Tuning for Wind Instruments

A Roadmap to Successful Intonation

The most complete intonation resource for band directors! This book contains everything a music educator requires to approach fine-tuning intonation with their ensemble: 

    • learn the origin of our pitch tuning standard
    • understand when to apply equal tempered vs. just tempered tuning
    • calculate the proper harmonic ratios for fine-tuning chords
    • identify the best tuning notes for each instrument
    • properly tune brass slides
    • learn alternate fingerings
    • identify pitch tendencies for every instrument
    • 14 steps for tuning chords
    • improve your knowledge with over 70 tuning truths and myths

The resource includes intonation charts for tracking personal progress, along with extensively researched color-coded fingering charts for every instrument providing pitch tendencies and suggestions for alternate fingerings. 

DVD: Jean-Marie Londeix
​The LONDEIX Lectures

The LONDEIX Lectures on DVD (13+ hours): lectures by legendary saxophonist Jean-Marie LONDEIX in collaboration with William Street (English translation)    

  • Pierre-Philippe Bauzin "et le musique pour Saxophone"
  • André Caplet “La Légende”
  • Claude Debussy “La Rapsodie avec Saxophone”
  • Edison Denisov ”Sonate pour Saxophone et Piano”
  • Alfred Desenclós “Prelude, Cadence et Finale”
  • Pierre-Max Dubois “Concerto pour Saxophone”
  • Alexandre Glazounov “Concerto in eb”
  • Paul Hindemith “Sonate pour Saxophone”
  • Jaques Ibert “Concertino da Camera”
  • Christian Lauba “et la musique pour saxophone”
  • Paul Maurice “Tableaux de Provence”
  • Darius Milhaud “Scaramouche”
  • Francois Rosse “Le Frere Egaré”
  • Florent Schmitt “Légende”
  • and lectures on Transient Phases of Musical Sound, and Strategies for Practicing. 

Woodwind Method Books

Woodwind Method Books

Intermediate Studies for Developing Artists

These method books cover every possible style appropriate to an intermediate woodwind player. It includes music from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Twentieth Century eras while representing more than a dozen countries. Original compositions are included to strengthen young artist skills in developing both facility and tone. The musical collection provides a diverse selection of quality repertoire presenting composer information, nationality, and music terminology.

          • Challenging and rewarding music in a range that explores both the high and low register
          • Musical exercises to teach phrasing
          • Long tone exercises
          • Articulation patterns
          • Variety of tempos, dynamics, time and key signatures
          • FUN, quality music that motivates practicing and performance!

Audio CDs

CD: Avion Saxophone Quartet

The Avion Saxophone Quartet is a performing chamber ensemble comprised of Wright State University music students under the musical coaching of Professor Shelley Jagow. All members are music education and/or performance majors at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. Quartet membership is chosen annually on a highly selective audition process. Members on this album include: Adam Green (soprano), Josh Baker (alto), Michael Sawzin (tenor), and John Toerner (baritone).


Directors Circle
with Doug Conrad

This episode features my interview with Dr. Shelley Jagow from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. In addition to her career as an educator and conductor, Shelley is well known for her work as an author of several publications including “Teaching Instrumental Music: Developing The Complete Band Program” and “Tuning For Wind Instruments: A Roadmap To Successful Intonation.” 

Instrumental Music Curriculum 
with Dr. Benjamin Harper

Dr. Shelley Jagow joins us to talk about teaching philosophy and music curriculum.

Music as Power/Women's History Month
with Emily Schwartz

Although we begin this episode as a "band" episode for my music ed students, Dr. Shelley Jagow brings life lessons and "power" to the table as we literally discuss the impact music can have....when we explore fundamentals, utilize our individual life experiences, explore various options and possibilities, and intentionally program repertoire. Get ready to "be the model" as we work together to build better citizens in the world through the massive power of music (and music education).

The Band Room Podcast
with Dylan Madix & Cait Nishimura

We had a great time chatting with conductor, educator and author, Dr. Shelley Jagow. We spoke about her musical beginnings in Saskatchewan, her path to becoming Director of Bands at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, balancing the many hats she wears, how being true to yourself helps connect with students and the community and so much more! 

Everything Saxophone 
with Donna Schwartz

Donna Schwartz, from the Everything Saxophone Podcast, interviews saxophonist, author, educator, Dr. Shelley Jagow, for the Everything Saxophone Podcast.

Coffee Talk
with Richard Saucedo & Randy Greenwell

A special Coffee Talk for you all this morning! This week, Randy Greenwell and Richard Saucedo are joined by Dr. Shelley Jagow. A great discussion regarding the excellent music program at Wright State University and Shelley's two books: Teaching Instrumental Music: Developing the Complete Band Program, and Tuning for Wind Instruments: A Roadmap to Successful Intonation.


Hearing "Beats"

Affect of Mouthpiece on Tone Quality